Smart Solutions for various Lending Themes

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Are you using Finastra’s Corporate Lending back office system Fusion Loan IQ?

We offer standard interfaces pre-built or reporting elements based on our Lending Business Logic Library. This functionality can be used in classical batch interfaces and will be offered as state-of-the-art REST API.
Especially with core lending functionality exposed as REST API integration with external systems becomes easily possible. Use cases are various reporting scenarios but also automation and digitalisation scenarios for the back-office processes or loan origination.

A show case – but also a use case – of the REST APIs is the Loan IQ Data Navigator. It shows data from a given Loan IQ instance in user-friendly widgets on various detail level. The Loan IQ data becomes available in designed widgets and related widgets can be accessed by click.

Furthermore, we have developed algorithms to analyse the complex Loan IQ database. Based on the analysis we can offer a customized ‚Loan IQ Data Dictionary‘ with far more user-friendly options that the original Data Dictionary provided by the provider. Moreover, it will be complete and consistent for your release and specific Loan IQ installation.

We offer functionality to ’shrink‘ a Loan IQ instance to a choice of selected deals. This can be used for test purposes and the same functionality can be extended to cover archiving purposes.

All the described functionality is part of Smart Data Hub’s framework, which is built in Java, accesses the Loan IQ Database with JPA/Hibernate, contains the Lending business logic and exposes the latter in state-of-the-art REST APIs.

If one of the above features are of interest, please do not hesitate to contact Sonja Piel (

Looking forward to demo and to discuss.
The Smart Data Hub Team